Cpl Energy Consultant Ltd
Your Partner in Energy Innovation and Savings Your Partner in Energy Innovation and Savings Direct Energy offers innovative solutions to help you save money on your rising energy bills. Through our comprehensive energy plans, we provide competitive rates and flexible options tailored to your specific needs. get a free consultation
Cpl Energy Consultant Ltd is a micro business that was formed on 13/07/2016, their company number is 10275633.
They are a member of the Energy Ombudsman Scheme, their reference number is C35CPLE01
Title: CPL Energy Consultants – Saving You Money On Your Energy Bills
Humberstone Gate Suite 8, Floor 5, 81 - 83 Humberstone Gate, Leicester
Contact Information
Humberstone Gate Suite 8, Floor 5, 81 - 83 Humberstone Gate, Leicester
Zip/Post Code