Northern Utility Solutions ltd
Northern Utility Solutions ltd is a micro business that was formed on 11/04/2019, their company number is 11939541.
They are a member of the Energy Ombudsman Scheme, their reference number is C35NORT04
Title: Home | Northern Utility Solutions
Meta Description: Northern Utility Solutions use the latest technologies to save your business time and money on your utility expenditure. We work on your behalf to lower electric, gas and water bills. With our unique relationships across the energy sector, we can offer tailor made contracts and services to specifically suit your business. We also offer a range of training services which can help a business reduce their bad energy habits and reduce their carbon footprint.
Hartlepool Enterprise Centre, Brougham Terrace, Hartlepool
Contact Information
Hartlepool Enterprise Centre, Brougham Terrace, Hartlepool
Zip/Post Code
TS24 8EY